Wednesday 17 January 2018

Computer Hardware Lesson 3 - How it all works

In this lesson you'll be finding out how a computer actually works.

Objectives and Outcomes

  • Be able to describe the steps that take place when you open a program (band 4)
  • Be able to explain how certain components (CPU, RAM and input and output devices) work together (band 5)
  • Link these ideas to examples of using a computer and programs in previous units, eg Scratch (band 6)
As you learned last lesson, computers are made up of lots of different components (parts) that all do different jobs.  

Here is a link to my slideshow where this is explained in more detail...

This slideshow also has tasks on it and links to worksheets for different bands.

Choose the worksheet for the band that you know from your marks so far is the most appropriate for you.  Do not take the easy option - challenge yourself, but do so realistically!  Ask me if you're not sure which one to do.

Share your worksheet correctly (Advanced - change from Private to Anyone with the Link) and copy/paste the link to your blog post for this lesson.  Make sure your post has a title (the same as this one)


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